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TW Electronics 1958 - 2000

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TW Topbander (160m) Transmitter

The TW Topbander transmitter, as shown in the photograph alongside, was a VFO controlled, valve AM/CW transmitter for the 160m band with an RF input of about 10watts.

The unit in the four photographs below (courtesy of Ian G6RHV) does not have the chrome handles and is believed to be an earlier version. As can be seen in the photos the 'innards' of this particular TW Topbander transmitter appear to be in a remarkably good clean condition with very few signs of corrosion.

The unit in the photograph below (courtesy of Richard G3UGF) is not in a good condition but does have the chrome handles. It has a broken plastic cover on the meter (if you have a suitable replacement meter you can send details to me and I will pass them on to Richard).

A very clean example of a TW Topbander was put on sale on Ebay in January 2013 (together with the matching Topmobile receiver - see in the receiver section of this website). The seller Robert Mort kindly sent in some photographs of the unit and these are shown below.

Like the matching receiver, this transmitter also  looks as if it has just come off the TW production line and it sold for the princely sum of  £69.77 (it sold new in 1963 for just below £24 !!)

Andy G3UEQ kindly sent me some photographs of his TW Topbander.  I had occasion to look up Andy’s callsign on qrz.com and I noticed on Andy’s page that he listed some of his vintage radio gear and that a TW Topbander featured in that list. I emailed Andy, hence the photos below. The rig is in good condition and has not been modified.