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TW2/4/160 Mains Power Supply/Control Unit

The photographs above show the matching mains power supply/control unit for the TW2 or TW4 or TW160 transmitter. The original version (photograph above right) had the more 'rectangular' corners on the case, as had the matching transmitters. These were built at the Gilbert Street works. The later versions (photograph above left) were built at the Bury St Edmunds works and had the more rounded corners (as did the later versions of the matching transmitters).

The photographs below show a very early version of the mains power supply which was built specially for Tom's old friend G4QU.

Note the enormous Siemens Halske rectifiers in the photograph (below right).

At long last I have been able to acquire the proper PSU for my existing TW2. In fact the PSU came with a TW2 that is in immaculate condition (see the TW2 page) and these units now have pride of place side by side in my ‘shack’.

I have carefully powered up the power supply and it appears to be in excellent working order. There was some initial sparking at the transmit switch but a bit of switch cleaner cured that problem. The knob on that switch is not original and will be changed when I can locate the spare that I have hidden somewhere.