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TW Electronics 1958 - 2000

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TW  Transistor Converters

TW made some transistor converters for 2m and 4m but at the moment I have not been able to find any  photographs of these units.  Some information is shown on the TW leaflet that may be found here.

Adverts around May 1964 referred to a 2m transistor converter (size 1” x 1” x 3”) that used Philco transistors with available I.F.s being  4-6, 14-16 and 24-26 MHz. The same advert also referred to a similar 4m transistor converter with an I.F. of 1.820-2.020MHz. Both were priced a 9gns.   

A later advert in December 1964 simply referred to a TW Transistor Converter (2N2360) again priced at 9gns .